07 April 2010

Buckwheat Pasta

Remember that other day when I bombed out on blueberry muffins and promised to go redeem myself by making some fresh pasta? Well I did. I was going to just follow the recipe found here on my blog but realized I didn't have whole wheat flour. Instead of making plain old white pasta, I added some buckwheat. It was a little strange, but still fresh and yummy with a homemade sauce.

The sauce was modified from a recipe I found on Smitten Kitchen. The original calls for stewing a hunk of butter, an onion, and your canned tomatoes for an hour before removing the onion and serving the sauce. It's actually a lot tastier than it sounds. All that buttah!

I added some basil cubes from the freezer, fresh-ground black pepper, and left the onion chunks in it. So good! The great thing about making this pasta--if you roll it out by hand--is that once you get the hang of it you can whip it out like nobody's business! Sure the pasta is thicker than you'd get with a machine, but who's complaining when you're making it fresh?!? With friends on the way to pick me up, I found out I could go from ingredients in the cupboards and fridge to steaming, cooked pasta in my bowl in about 20 minutes.

roll it out with a generous dusting of flour so you
can fold it on itself to cut--I like using a pizza cutter

all that flour does make the water foam when it's
cooking--so keep an eye on it! only takes about 3 minutes

mmmmmm . . .

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